Terra Di Colori

Terra Di Colori

Regular price $104.00 Sale

Our Terra di Colori Watercolor Paints are our newest offering. Many, if not most, paints contain harsh, toxic chemicals that are harmful to humans, animals and our beloved home, planet earth. As herbalists, artists and earth lovers, we wanted to bring a remedy to what we see as a big problem. Hence, after an inspired and exciting Labor, we’ve given birth to Terra di Colori - Land of Colors!

Many of our botanical colors were grown in our gardens or widgathered on, around or very near, our central Maine farm. They are entirely plant based. Some have been outsourced, from carefully chosen sources.

Our mineral pigments come directly from the earth. They are soils/minerals that have been sustainably sourced from around the world.

Our Mineral Earth Watercolor Collection comes to you in a gorgeous hardwood pallet, designed and handmade by a local Maine women's woodworking company, Sprig Woodworks. Our mineral paints include: Copper, gold, silver, Mayan red, purple, turquoise, charcoal, ultra marine blue, emerald green, terra verde green, orange ochre, yellow ochre, red ochre, Georgia clay, white. There are 13 colors in the larger pallets and 9 colors in the smaller pallet.

The earth mineral pigments create the most archival, UV resistant, durable and radiant paints available anywhere in the market today! They are free of fillers and additives as well as petroleum based synthetics or heavy metals.

Our Botanical Watercolor Collection comes to you in a blue metal folding pallet. There are 14 colors in half pans, a thumb ring for ease of holding and an attached panel that folds out to use for paint mixing. These colors include:.alkanet, green indigo, osage orange, red ochre, hibiscus, Georgia clay, Dragon fruit, cranberry, delphinium, spiraling, dyer's woad, beet, charcoal, turmeric. These are literally edible, they are so safe and convey such glorious color!